
Att vara en innovativ och attraktiv arena som ska stödja små och medelstora företag att växa och bli konkurrenskraftiga regionalt och globalt.

Grön teknik, ren energi och hållbara lösningar från norra Sverige ska etableras på världsarenan och bidra till att uppnå de globala målen.

North Sweden Cleantech

North Sweden Cleantech is a platform that strengthens small and medium-sized enterprises in green technology, clean energy, and sustainable solutions in northern Sweden, aiming to create or already creating products and services that promote a sustainable transition.

By offering business advice and access to important networks, we help companies develop their offerings and networks so they can fully benefit from the new business models and technologies being created in the new green market.

Support to Companies

Our business developers help companies find support, advice, and networks. We are here to contribute to the development of their business ideas so that they can meet new markets within the green transition.

Engine for Development

North Sweden Cleantech has been around since 2016 and was founded to be a growth engine for companies in Northern Sweden that want to participate in the green transition. Since its inception, a business network with over a hundred participating companies in green technology, clean energy, and sustainable solutions has emerged.

Thanks to our founders and partners from the industry and business sector in Northern Sweden, we can offer our services free of charge and be an engine for business development in Northern Sweden. Click here to read more about Founders and Partners!


