Municipality/ Härnösand

Algorithm Energy

Algorithm Energy AB helps the wind power industry increase its production by visualizing fault sources using high-resolution data in its proprietary software, AlgoAPM (Asset Performance Monitoring). All measured data from each individual wind turbine's control computer is extracted at second-level resolution and then visualized in an industry-leading interface. The software includes 32 proprietary algorithms that help wind farm owners understand the causes of downtime at the component level and clearly identify what needs to be addressed. AlgoAPM can also display trends for future maintenance actions by calculating, for example, the wear rate of blade surfaces. By using AlgoAPM, our customers can access all the information about their production whenever they want it.


  • AlgoAPM: a proprietary software for visualizing wind turbine production data
  • AlgoCMS: a monitoring and analysis service for wind turbine drivetrains
  • AlgoSCADA: a service for restoring or building new SCADA solutions for wind turbines
  • AlgoWAKE: an optimization service under development that will optimize entire wind farms by managing wake flows to benefit the overall park’s production


  • Customers looking to take the next step in fact-based production optimization
  • Investors for our next steps


  • Umeå Energi (Sweden)
  • GAMA Enerji (Turkey)
