Municipality/ Örnsköldsvik

Cass Materials

Cass Materials AB, a start-up company founded in 2022, is based in the High Coast Innovation Park, Örnsköldsvik. With new revolutionary foaming technology, Cass makes the next generation of biobased foams that are lightweight with good mechanical strength and insulation properties for the packaging industry. The foams can be thrown directly into the compost, do not create pollution, or accelerate climate change. Alternatively, the foams can be recycled back into the process, becoming a truly circular product, and further adding to the world’s conversion to a biobased social economy. Cass Materials is joining the global bioeconomy and helping the packaging industry meet the UN’s Goals 13-15 that aim to combat climate change and its impacts along with the conservation and sustainability of our ocean and terrestrial ecosystems.


  • Biobased foams for sustainable packaging
  • Alternative to fossil-based foams such as EPS
  • Flat sheets or moulded for the protection and cushioning of fragile goods.


  • Customers who need sustainable packaging
  • Forest industry partners that have cellulose side streams
  • Callaborators who share our vision of a more circular society


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