Municipality/ Härnösand
Business Network
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Company of the month
Municipality/ Örnsköldsvik
Thordab AB is a family owned manufacturing company located in Örnsköldsvik. Our expertise extends from metal cutting, milling, welding as well as problem solving. In addition to the Nordic market, we also supply products to Germany, France, Russia, Australia, England and Canada. Modern machinery with knowledgeable staff and meticulous quality assurance procedures ensure that our products are exactly the quality that our clients demand. Utilize the extensive experience and the good contacts we have gained over 50 years of development of subcontracting and the manufacturing of our own products.
Municipality/ Örnsköldsvik
Tyréns is one of Sweden's leading consultancies in the construction sector. Our employees create solutions in urban planning and infrastructure for sustainable social development. We seek long term customer relationships in order to provide maximum benefit to the customer. Our tradition is to invest in innovation and development and that this will benefit customers. We offer qualified consulting services within the construction sector.
Municipality/ Umeå
Umeå Energi
Umeå Energi develops and provides sustainable solutions for energy and communications services. We are a driving force in the sustainable development of our region, developing new solutions in close cooperation with customers and partners.
Municipality/ Umeå
Upab's assignment is to offer well-located and appealing parking facilities, operate parking lots and parking surveillance. Our goal is that all our parking lots should be noticeable, accessible and simple to use. Upab plays a central role in the development of a sustainable city with sustainable transport. For Upab this includes overlooking resource and energy consumption of our car parks, awareness when building new facilities and how we can contribute to create a greener city and an accessible city centre. We also influence and inspire our customers to a more sustainable travel behaviour; through solutions that makes it easier to combine the car with walking, cycling or public transport. We contribute to a vibrant city centre filled with people.
Municipality/ Örnsköldsvik
VOC Technology
VOC Technology AB delivers catalytic air purification systems with high quality and excellent performance to a wide range of customers that needs to take care their VOC emissions (VOC = Volatile Organic Compound) and laughing gas emissions. The company is located in Örnsköldsvik and all the products are manufactured by local companies. We have more than 20 years of experience and have delivered systems around the world. Our systems are easy to handle and needs a minimum of maintenance. Companies with a various type of production are using our systems: Painting, Pharmaceutical, Hospitals, and Plastic and Printing industries.
Municipality/ Umeå
Vakin is owned by Umeå and Vindeln municipality, where the company is responsible for water and sewage treatment, waste collection and recycling. We operate 8 recycling centrals (350 000 visitors, 2015), 18 waterworks, 24 wastewater treatment plants and approximately 130 pumping stations.