Business Network

Search for companies in green technology, clean energy, and sustainable solutions from northern Sweden. Using search filters, you can find the companies that interest you. The directory contains companies in northern Sweden.

Municipality/ Skellefteå


EcoRub was founded in 1995 and has worked with recycled rubber since then. The knowledge and experience in the field has resulted in a technology in which recycled rubber and recycled plastic is refined to a new cost-effective rubber material. Used tires, consumer plastics (recycled materials) and in some cases biological fibres are recycled to create a durable material with high material properties. This, combined with production resources makes EcoRub an attractive partner for those who produce plastic and rubber products. The mission is to create better solutions for a sustainable world.

Municipality/ Umeå


Ecoclime can provide property owners with a complete solution for building automation (IoT based), energy recovery and energy distribution (heat/cold). We have a unique patented technology in the core of our solutions. Our focus is on creating the best indoor comfort with reduced energy consumption. We have solutions for residential and commercial real estate, but also for residential, schools, medical facilities, hotels, conference centers. Our most famous products are the patented comfort ceiling for heating and cooling and the Evertherm waste water collector solution.

Municipality/ Umeå


Ecogain is a consulting firm that helps companies, governments and organizations in challenging land use issues. Through field surveys, impact assessments, strategies, and advice, we help our clients to make the right decision at the right time. We work all over the country and have offices in Umeå, Stockholm and Malmö. Our mission is to develop and offer qualified and independent consulting services in conservation and urban planning. Our mission is to unite community development with sustainable solutions for nature and biodiversity.

Municipality/ Umeå


Ecotype plays an important role in the transition to digital and more actively sustainable forestry. They simplify information from the nature and digitize forestry with the goal of making complex  information easy to understand and accessible to all. The company has created a data platform and system for forest data under the name "" which helps forest owners and the forest industry to monitor, plan, analyze and control their forest with the help of digital and automatically produced forestry plans. The platform can also be used as a calculator for forest holdings through various calculation modules for carbon sequestration, economic flows, climate reporting and management programs. By combining information from satellite data with research results and information from other public data sources, the platform provides the conditions for an increased level of knowledge and to conduct forestry that benefits both the environment, the economy and high forest growth. The service includes all forest forest properties in Sweden, which means that all approximately 311,000 forest owners can log in and directly receive a digital forestry plan and tools for their forest.


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