Business Network

Search for companies in green technology, clean energy, and sustainable solutions from northern Sweden. Using search filters, you can find the companies that interest you. The directory contains companies in northern Sweden.

Municipality/ Skellefteå


GreenExergy specializes in engineering- and project services in Bioenergy, Hydropower, Process industry and fossil free fuels. We have technology expertise and possess strong technical competence and extensive experience. We will assist you in visualizing your project in 2D or 3D. We can help both purchasers and suppliers with assessment and documentation. GreenExergy was founded in 2009 with sales of technology in the energy industry as a primary focus. The business focuses on the European market in bioenergy but GreenExergy works mainly in Sweden.

Municipality/ Umeå


iTid was founded in 2004 in Luleå and since the start, the company has grown organically along the coast of northern Sweden. Today we have five offices where, in addition to Luleå, we also have offices in Sundsvall, Skellefteå, Umeå and Sandviken. We are consultants specializing in planning, digitization / automation, sustainability issues and management of material, production and information flows. Creating a future where we live, with conditions for more jobs and good living conditions, is a mission that permeates everything we do. What assignments we undertake, how the work is carried out, how we shape our culture and how we recruit. What are we really doing? We usually say that we improve flows. We work to improve various parts of the flow itself, such as distribution, purchasing, production planning and control. We also work with support processes and the leadership needed for the flow to work.

Municipality/ Vindeln

Indexator Rotator Systems

Indexator Rotator Systems AB is the world's leading supplier and development partner for hydraulic rotators and ancillary equipment. Our products are used worldwide for forestry, general cargo handling and material handling. We export directly to more than 40 countries all over the world. Through continual development, we live up to our customers' high expectations for functionality and total economy. Indexator Rotator Systems has a company philosophy as the guideline in large and small decisions, as well as a shared view of how our operation should be run, irrespective of where in the organisation, in which country or on which market we are active.


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