Business Network

Search for companies in green technology, clean energy, and sustainable solutions from northern Sweden. Using search filters, you can find the companies that interest you. The directory contains companies in northern Sweden.

Municipality/ Umeå


We provide our customers with technical solutions in video and meeting technology for events and permanent installations. We are a nationwide comprehensive supplier that helps you from idea to implementation with both large and small projects. Our collective expertise means that we can always offer customized technical solutions based on the customer's needs. We have employees in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Sandviken and Umeå, which gives us the capacity to service our customers' needs all over the country. Our employees have a strong customer focus and where good cooperation as well as high standards and job satisfaction strongly contribute to a good result. Our workplace is characterized by a focus on knowledge and quality but also on openness, flexibility and helpfulness. The company's vision is to provide knowledge within our industry.

Municipality/ Lycksele

Inlandets Solenergi

Inlandets Solenergi AB is the secure northern Swedish alternative for those looking to invest in solar panels and battery storage. Based in Lycksele, we primarily focus on the inland and mountainous regions, though our services are also available to coastal areas. Our extensive knowledge of the local climate and the products we offer makes us the obvious choice for individuals, businesses, or homeowners' associations (BRF) seeking to invest in both a better environment and a more secure economic future.

Municipality/ Luleå

Innovative Living

Innovative Living manufactures smart houses created using engineering know-how. This means good material choices, smarter construction, and a smarter home. Every part of the building is designed to achieve its full potential in terms of both technology and the use of square meters. Each building comes equipped with the IL Home smart system with features that ensure energy efficiency, smart functions and control for both the building itself and the residents.

Municipality/ Vilhelmina

Inpipe Sweden

Inpipe Sweden, founded in Vilhelmina Sweden in 1982, is the biggest producer of CIPP (Cured-In-Place-Pipes) in the Nordic countries. The Inpipe liner is a glass-fibre reinforced Polyester liner that is used for relining sewer pipes, road culverts and water pipes. The liner is inverted or winched into the old pipe where it is inflated and thereafter cured using Ultra Violet light. The process is very fast and it only creates a fraction of the CO2 footprint compared to traditional digging. Since access to only one manhole is required for the installation the activities around the installation site can proceed without disturbances, and the pipe system can resume normal operation the very same day. 


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