Women with Impact

19 Oct 09:30 - 17:30

The Greath Northern, Storgatan 53, Skellefteå

We are strengthening the position of women in the cleantech sector.

The event will mainly be held in Swedish.

When: Wednesday, October 19 at 9:30 to 17:30, followed by mingle to 18.30.
Where: The Greath Northern, Storgatan 53, Skelleftea.
Price: 395 Skr incl. lunch and refreshments.
Free for students, limited seating.
Application by October 10: womenwithimpact.eventbrite.com

For more information: Contact Susanne W Lindstrom at 070-664 40 28 or susanne.lindstrom@umea.se. The full program is available on cleanergrowth.se on 1 October

Tags/ women
