Read about advancements and current events in green technology, clean energy, and sustainable solutions. We publish articles featuring inspiring company profiles, current research, and the latest innovations in the green transition.
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A New Testbed for Innovative Circular Solutions
Energy Companies Strengthen Cross-Border Collaboration
A stronger collaboration across the entire Kvarken region within the energy sector and a platform where politics, academia, and businesses can engage in dialogue. This is the motivation behind the working committee formed by the energy companies participating in the Bothnia Green Energy project.
Cross-border Cooperation across the Kvarken: A Key to Success in the Green Transition
As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, the energy sector faces a series of challenges and opportunities. It is clear that cooperation, innovation, and a strong infrastructure are essential for the green transition.
SpinChem's Technology Pushes Boundaries – Near Major Breakthroughs
For over a decade, the Umeå-based company SpinChem has been tackling some of the world's most complex environmental challenges. With a vision of contributing to a greener planet, the company has steadily developed and refined technologies that deliver results. Now, they are close to major breakthroughs in the nuclear power and pharmaceutical industries.
"Things take time, but we are better off now than ever before, and the work we have put in is starting to pay off," says CEO Emil Byström.
Braincade Generates Innovations
Triple Heat, Energy Oasis, Heated Match, and Excess Heat Framework were four innovative ideas presented during Braincade, with a focus on low-temperature excess heat. An event where creative brainstorming is mixed with arcade gaming, organized through the Bothnia Green Energy project and the University of Vaasa.