Algoryx has the entire world as its playing field
Software from Algoryx, a widely acclaimed company located in Umeå, Sweden, is already used by multinational companies such as Toyota, Komatsu and Honda. But now, as the product AGX Dynamics is linked to the world’s two largest gaming development platforms, Algoryx counts on the global market genuinely opening up its doors with vast potential.
“I see tremendous potential, we are still only sniffing out market and companies that we can help,” says Urban Wikman, Business Manager.
Algoryx has had a strong journey since the company was founded in 2007. The company was one of the companies to make the list of “Sweden’s 33 Hottest Young Technology Companies” for its clear innovation with major international potential. In recent times Algoryx has been acknowledged as one of Europe’s most innovative companies.When it comes to technical simulations, Algoryx has changed the rules of the game in its industry.
The company was founded with the intention of developing tools for training people to operate complex machines using simulators.But, as things progressed, they discovered the tool also worked extremely well in the industry for engineering simulations and because of the massive advances in AI, Algoryx has found there has also been a big increase in the uses for its technology.
Algoryx founders, from left: Martin Servin, Claude Lacoursiere, Kenneth Bodin and Anders Backman. Algoryx's office is opposite IKSU in Umeå.
“Simulating is thinking first.”
Today the benefits have shifted, and computers are now trained to operate complex machines and Algoryx products are needed to get the machines to perform as accurately as possible. With their software it is possible to make a digital twin from a machine, with everything from the engine, powertrain, gearbox and even down to the interaction between tyre and ground. In this way the customer can simulate the working procedure in advance.
The company’s top seller is AGX Dynamics, which is a multi-functional physics engine for simulators in industrial applications.
“We usually say that simulating is thinking first. The environmental benefit is that you can fully optimise the system. Within the mining industry, where LKAB is a major client, the aim is to have as little energy loss and material destruction as possible when it comes to moving the raw material. At the same time, calculation of the machines’ abrasion is something that is desired, and we can optimise this. This has made a tremendous difference for LKAB and there is now a team of four who use our software in different work processes, thus saving them lots of money. We hope that more mining companies will save energy and materials by optimising their system,” states Urban.
Helps car manufacturers to electrify
Algoryx’ vision is to sell software that makes it possible to simulate and teach the customer to use and optimise the system.
“Actually, we aren’t a consultancy company. Because we train customers to do this themselves, we remain a bit on the outside. We allow them to use our tools, which means we do not create conflicts between different customers. This allows us to sell to everyone who is interested,” he explains.
The company has even been successful within the academic world. All technical universities in Sweden and Japan, plus many in China, as well as a large number in Europe and the USA use Algoryx’ programs.
“We also have quite a few of the world’s largest companies, such as ABB within robotics, LKAB within the mining industry, Toyota, Komatsu, Honda and Volvo. For automotive manufacturers simulating how to convert a fossil fuel powered engine to electrification, e.g., is a benefit,” says Urban.
On the robot side, their software is used to train demolition robots after the nuclear power accident in Fukushima. “But also, oil platforms, nuclear power development, subsea robots, on water, on land, in the air and in space. These are places where we have our customers, and it is an incredibly broad span. As I like machines and new technology, I find it remarkably interesting to work with,” states Urban.
What is your greatest challenge?
He believes the industrial world and the university world are both quite conservative and having a new product that requires a person to look and think a bit differently can be rather difficult.
Reach 24 million developers
Besides the product AGX Dynamics where you need to be a programmer to successfully manage the task, CAD is sufficient for the Algoryx Momentum program. In this way we the company can reach more users. AGX Dynamics has recently been integrated with the game development platform Unity3D, one of the world’s most popular gaming engines, which is used for producing video games, as well as interactive simulations and visualisations. The other major gaming development platform that uses AGX Dynamics is Unreal Engine.
“Both platforms are used increasingly by industry and by putting in our software, 24 million developers can use actual physics in their simulations. Unity is investing heavily in machine learning, Unreal is also well on its way and we want to help the industry by providing better and simpler tools,” explains Urban.
All Algoryx simulations are based on published scientific methods, which have been tested by many industrial companies since the company was founded.
“Our potential to help with streamlining and linking this with a control system provides us with an enormous breadth in our product range. We have just begun our journey and our future looks very bright,” says Urban.