Are you looking for cooperation with foregin companies?

Then check out the latest inquiries that we have selected in the cleantech area from EEN's matchmaking database.

EEN's matchmaking database is an online database with thousands of business opportunities for you who want to find new business partners or new innovative solutions.

Chilean company looking for technology to produce atmospheric water in isolated areas.

Chilean company looking for technology to reduce expenses in maintenance of eolic parks

A UK based SME is looking for adsorption or absorption chiller solution that can use biogas or heat from combined heat and power (CHP) plants for cooling.

An Italian company working in the area of selective waste collection and the circular economy is looking to join consortia intending to participate in European Calls.

HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-07: Digital tools to support the engineering of a Circular Economy: European consortium is looking for a European recycling company, who is dismantling and recycling end-of-life vehicles

Want to know more about EEN Match? Contact Peter Bäckström International Business Developer at EEN or visit EEN Match!
