Dåva cogeneration plant in Umeå can become a test facility for negative emissions
Billions of SEK might be invested in a new technology that can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Dåva CHP, the heart of Umeå's district heating supply, is one of the combined heat and power plants proposed to be first out testing the method, resulting in negative CO2 emissions from the plant.
The production of district heating/cooling and electricity at Dåva CHP takes place in a manner that is sensitive to the environment and minimizes emissions by advanced filtering systems, but it has not been possible to avoid large carbon dioxide emissions, until now? The technique involves storing carbon dioxide produced from renewable sources and therefore already part of the cycle. In this way we can not only reduce emissions - but also remove them from the atmosphere, can be read in a press release from Centerpartiet, which presents the initiative at its election convention.
- On a concrete level, Sweden has about 30 plants, primarily paper and pulp and combined heat and power plants, which have good potential for rapid implementation of the technique for negative emissions. And one of these facilities is the Dåva CHP plant here in Umeå, says Mattias Larsson, Group Leader of the Centerpartiet in Umeå to bioenergitidningen.se
Text Maria Klintenäs, photo Umeå Energy
For more information read the Centerpartiets press release here -> and the article in Bioenergitidningen.se here -> Statistics on carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden in 2017 are available at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency->.
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