Environment and Energy Policy as the driving force for innovation

The question of the day was whether the public sector, together with the private sector, can stimulate development and enhance the competitiveness of companies, with policy in mind. The event was moderated by Mattias Goldmann, CEO of the Tankesmedjan Fores, and the organisers were Region Västerbotten, Miljösamverkan Västerbotten, Energikontor Norr, Företagarna and Cleaner Growth.

Peter Hedman from Cleaner Growth and Nils-Olof Forsgren, CEO of Uminova Innovation, held an interesting lecture about how the climate for innovation looks in Sweden and Västerbotten, in comparison to the rest of the world, and improvement ideas.

Mattias Goldmann from Tankesmedjan Fores, gave an interesting lecture on ‘Make money and stay ahead of legislation’. We also enjoyed a great juggling show from Gunnar Granberg, CEO of SpaceTimes, and heard about the energy efficiency optimisation of Bastuträsk Charkuteri. Finally we learnt about how Dorotea Municipality’s environmental inspectors work preventatively.

The report of Environmental and Energy Policy as a driver of innovation can be found here ->
