Expanded Support from Klimatklivet Empowers More Businesses to Transition

Climate Leap opens up for new applications. Up to five billion SEK can be allocated this year towards the green transition. This marks a significant increase compared to previous years. Charging infrastructure, hydrogen, and agriculture are among the areas where the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency sees particularly good opportunities for investments that contribute to climate benefits

Since its inception, Klimatklivet has contributed a total of 13.3 billion SEK to various climate measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

With the recent reinforcement by the government, Klimatklivet now has up to five billion SEK available for use in 2024. Throughout the year, Klimatklivet will conduct three application rounds to distribute funds to projects that effectively contribute to the transition and climate goals.

- We view positively that Klimatklivet can continue to support the green transition, which, even in these times, contributes to increased competitiveness and security for many businesses. Many climate investments cannot proceed without support, and climate measures can also contribute to Sweden's preparedness," says Carl Mikael Strauss, Head of the Klimatklivet Industrial Unit.

Application Periods for Klimatklivet 2024

  • March 4th to 15th
  • June 3rd to 11th
  • November 1st to 8th

Click here for the whole article from Naturvårdsverket (in Swedish)!
