Great international interest for companies from northern Sweden
The companies C-Green, Absolicon, Oazer and Multi Channel Sweden from northern Sweden draw a lot of attention when presenting themselves to the international market. It was the second time North Sweden Cleantech organized an international exchange at Region Västerbotten office in Stockholm.
To start with North Sweden Cleantech introduced ongoing initiatives in northern Sweden, the strengths, assets and opportunities in the region. This was followed by Smart City Sweden who presented national cooperation in smart, sustainable cities. Finally, the companies introduced their products, strengths and how they could contribute to a more sustainable world.
About thirty people from ten countries, including Canada, India, USA, Great Britain and China, attended the event to learn more about the companies and business opportunities in northern Sweden in general.
The event was highly appreciated and will hopefully result in future collaborations.
"The best part was that we could introduce our product to the whole world in just 15 minutes”, said Niklas Boström, CEO of Multi Channel Sweden.
More information about the companies:
Absolicon is technology company, specialized in concentrated solar thermal heat. Absolicon has a unique technology, for extracting energy in different forms using concentrated solar collectors, or solar concentrators. The concentrators help reduce the production costs, while simultaneously providing a high degree of energy efficiency in the form of thermal energy, solar electricity, solar cooling, solar heat and solar steam. They develop, manufacture and sell solar energy systems that generate renewable energy in various forms, helping to solve the world’s energy problem.
C-Green is an innovative process engineering company with a complete solution to efficiently convert large amounts of sludge into biocoal. The process is based on high-temperature carbonization (HTC) which basically copies nature's way of breaking down complex organic compounds into coal but takes a few hours instead of millions of years. What’s exceptional with C-Greens process is that it is energized by the sludge itself meaning it has an almost non-existent external energy demand.
Multi Channel Sweden has developed an innovative wood chipper that saves raw material and gives a higher output from the pulp process. It produces a more even chip size compared to traditional disc chippers. It can be regulated during operation which means fewer stops. It is easy to install and is service friendly.
Oazer offers local and customized production and sales of fossil-free “green hydrogen” through mobile refueling stations, for use in Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV:s).