GreenExergy - A Cog in the Big Transition

The demand to convert fossil-heavy industries to more bio-based or with environmentally friendly production is steadily increasing. The consulting company, GreenExergy, is working with energy issues in large facilities. Increased growth and new employments are a head.

- We are in an expansive face, we will grow and continue to deliver good quality in our main areas, says CEO Anders Bystedt.

GreenExergy has made a name for themselves in the green transition since the start in 2009. The company was founded and is still owned today by Skellefteå Kraft and Outotec, with support from the Sparbanksstiftelsen Norrland's Venture Capitalist Foundation, with the aim of utilizing the knowledge that existed in the bioenergy area. Over the years, it has developed into more energy issues in large facilities where there is senior competence at GreenExergy. 

Increased Demand

- The goal is always to be able to contribute to streamlining facilities and switch from fossil to more bio-based or environmentally friendly production. If you look at the mining industry where we operate, you see a clear focus today on more environmentally friendly production, electrification and towards hydrogen for fuel cell-driven ore transport. Many companies are taking responsibility and there is an increased demand in the industrial investments that are being made for more focus on clean energy sources, Anders says.Anders Bystedt, VD GreenExergy

GreenExergy is also working with environment safety issues such as risk assessment and safety analysis, as well as plant design, mechanical detail design and CE marking as some of its business orientations.

Grow with Two Employees

2020, the year of pandemic, has been a special year but Anders still thinks that the company managed well and did not have to let any of their employees go. Today they are 13 people working there and the company's intention is to grow and hire two more employees this year. 

- We have managed pretty well. Now we aim at growth and a high quality towards our clients, says Anders.

Anders has a background in wood technology, a field he did a PhD at Luleå Technical University. After that he did research at RISE and was working as a section manager.

- Wood has always been an interest so it felt natural to walk that path when I was studying. At the same time, the environmental issues became an important part, both with wood as a construction material, kind of energy and the possibility to make new material. This development is constant in the wood industry and I find that really interesting. When this position as a CEO came up it felt really exciting since GreenExergy are working with other parts that contribute to the transition, parts that are also necessary.

Is it to do good for the climate that you are passionate about?

- Yes, it is those questions that drives me and the will to see changes through a more efficient industry which emits less and finds new ways forward, says Anders.

Right Direction

Anders thinks there are many positive investments in the region, with focus on green development and transition. 

- Sweden is taking steps in the right direction by aiming for the major emissions, such as reducing emissions in the steel and cement industry and looking at bio-based emissions, which in reality can mean negative emissions through bio-CCS. That is when you get a good effect! Our business concept is, among other things, to contribute to that change, he says.

Read more about GreenExergy here!

On the big picture: Distant heating system
On the small picture: Anders Bystedt, CEO GreenExergy
