Medicvent Takes New Innovative Steps Into the Medtech Business

The Umeå based company Medicvent, specializes in delivering unique complete solutions for air purification products in healthcare worldwide. The latest product - an autostart box - automatically removes toxic fumes in operating rooms and is based on highly innovative knowledge from the region.
- It has received an undivided positive reception from users, says CEO Erik Lindström.

In November 2017, Erik joined Medicvent for the first time. With a solid background on the sales side within Astra Zeneca, there were great similarities to the customer segment in which he now operates.

It is the regions in Sweden that are also our customers at Medicvent, otherwise it was quite a big contrast to come from the large company to a much smaller player with eight employees but who still have customers all over the world. It has been an exciting and fun journey so far, Medicvent is strong financially and is a company that is growing and constantly taking steps forward with both sales and results. The potential is very great, says Erik.

Collaborates With Local Actors

The ingenuity has characterized Medicvent's journey since its inception in 1983 when the founder Allan Lindkvist launched the patented double mask. Medicvent's products are exclusively aimed at improving the health of healthcare staff and handle of harmful gases, such as nitrous oxide, which is not harmful to the patient but in the long run poses a health hazard to staff who are constantly working in the environment.

Of course, we have competition in the area, but we have a complete solution that no one else can offer. I quickly got the sense of the high level of innovative knowledge that characterizes this company, it is required that we constantly strive for continuous improvement to be at the forefront and together with local partners who deliver details to our products, we also maintain a product quality that is in absolute world class. Quality is especially important in our industry, says Erik.

Medicvent builds ready-made solutions and works with several local contract manufacturers - in Skellefteå certain parts are made for the masks, the nitrous oxide destroyers are built in Örnsköldsvik, the cabling comes from Bjurholm and plastic parts are sprayed outside Sundsvall.

Our owners, Sdiptech, are very keen on us continuing the local cooperation because it guarantees our high quality. We have also noticed advantages during the pandemic such as not having problems with deliveries, of course some come from abroad but we have not been particularly vulnerable because large parts are produced here in northern Sweden. It also means that we have short decision paths and easy to get in touch with each other, says Erik.

Avaliable In All Hospitals

Just over a year ago, Medicvent launched what they call an autostartbox which is used in opertaing rooms. When a surgeon operates with an electric scalpel - so-called diathermy - the body tissue heats up and then flue gases are formed which in the long run are harmful to the operating staff. The technology has been around for a long time, but awareness of the risks has been low.

In the last ten years alone, a lot has happened. If you get flue gas during surgery, it is like smoking several packs of cigarettes a day, something that has gotten more and more awareness. In some parts of Europe, people do not reflect on it at all even today, so you can say that everything is in its infancy, says Erik.

The autostart box automatically detects when the scalpel is used and flue gases are formed. Together with Medicvent's evacuation system, the flue gases are sucked up in a point extraction right at the scalpel and are then taken care of by the central fan system that Medicvent has developed. The unique complete solution is available in both New Zealand, Europe and Scandinavia. In Sweden, Medicvent's concept is common in virtually every hospital.

We see a huge potential in our entire concept. Sweden has always been at the forefront of healthcare technology and more and more people are realizing that they must think about the work environment. For example, we are working on a brand new hospital in Poland right now that has invested in our fan system and is in the process of starting to use our autostart box. You have to be humble in the face of the fact that it can cause childhood diseases, but the launch of the autostart box has gone fantastically well and users appreciate the whole concept, says Erik.

Read more about Medicvent here!
