New business directory ready

Cleantech Kvarken’s new business directory is now ready. In it, we have put together a fascinating collection of companies within the energy and environmental sectors in the Västerbotten, Örnsköldsvik and Vaasa regions.

The directory contains a list of 115 clean tech firms. By clean tech we mean products and services designed to offer environmentally friendly and climate smart concepts. Clean tech companies are found within all areas including energy, forestry, IT or life science. The key is that the companies deal with products, services and processes which are driven by environmental relevance in pursuing business and growth.

The companies featured in the directory provide a presentation of their products/services and also the type of clients and collaboration they are seeking.

Want to order a directory? Email your request including the name of the organisation and address to or

You can also download the directory here Cleantech Companies Catalogue - Vaasa, Västerbotten, Örnsköldsvik (PDF x 5,45MBPDF)
