North Sweden Cleantech - the climate-smart innovation site of the future
North Sweden Cleantech - The climate smart innovation site of the future is our newest project and the goal of the project is to increase the innovation and innovation power of small and medium-sized companies, and to strengthen the development and accessibility of innovation-support systems and environments in the cleantech area in Västerbotten County and Örnsköldsvik Municipality.
The project will be implemented to the benefit of and in close cooperation with the business community in the region. The project runs between 2019-2022 and is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
The owner of the project is Kompetensspridning i Umeå, which coordinates the project and the project is carried out as a collaborative project between five organizations - Kompetensspridning in Umeå, Skellefteå Science City, Uminova Innovation, Arctic Business Incubator and RISE Processum - with the support of a partnership consisting of Skellefteå, Umeå, Örnsköldsviks municipalities, the municipal companies Skellefteå Kraft, Umeå Energi, VAKIN, Bostaden and Umeå Municipal companies and Region Västerbotten, which have assets, expertise and resources that create a great growth and development potential in the cleantech area.