Northern Sweden's wind power cluster is forming

Many actors in northern Sweden are currently investing in wind power and they have similar challenges. One of North Sweden Cleantech’s focus areas is to create and develop clusters within the region's main strengths. The large investments in energy and wind power are therefore given high priority when it comes to clusters.

“We are investing heavily in clean energy right now so we thought - how do we build a cluster within energy? Which approach can we take where a network is needed? Then the idea of ​​a wind power cluster was hatched. " says Peter Sundberg, North Sweden Cleantech.

North Sweden Cleantech's Cluster Manager in the energy field, Peter Sundberg, decided to investigate the interest in the area. The response from wind power players in northern Sweden was instant. Peter saw a need for discuss within the industry and a will to exchange experiences. The first cluster meeting was a full-day in January 2020 when the group went to Piteå and had a study visit to Markbygden Vindkraftpark. The day was organized together with RISE SICOMP who then spoke about their activities followed by presentations from, among other things, Northvolt who spoke off energy storage in batteries.

Peter is explicit that the cluster must add value both in terms of information and business, as well as discussing concrete challenges at the cluster meetings. During the first meeting, the group expressed a willingness to discuss permit issues, network capacity and how to attract electricity-intensive operations to northern Sweden. There was also an interest in developing a common routine for work in wind farms where there are no well-established routines around establishing, maintaining and developing wind power in the north, especially during the colder months.

“The the wind power cluster reaches from Örnsköldsvik and up in Sweden, while there is also an interest in opening up to Finland on the other side of Kvarken." Peter Sundberg, North Sweden Cleantech.

The wind power cluster, or network as Peter prefer to call it before it is a well-established cluster, has gone from an initial crowd of 7 people to currently 30 people from 20 companies. Currently in the build-up phase of the cluster, they are investing in meeting physically and since the Corona pandemic has a major impact on today's society, they are pushing for new meetings until after the summer.

Does this sound interesting? Contact Peter Sundberg, Cluster Manager for more information .

What is a cluster? A cluster is a recognized and well-established network within a certain genre. It often consists of a collection of geographically related companies within an industry, linked to common internal and external contexts. Strong clusters have developed cooperation with the academy and an international connection.
