Rototilt a world-leading technology company with gender equality in focus
Rototilt is situated 50 km northwest of Umeå, in Vindeln. The world's leading manufacturer of safe and efficient tiltrotatorsystems are working systematically with gender equality since 2006. In October, they will talk about their gender equality work at the half day conference Women with Impact.
- Strategic skill supply is crucial to our continued growth and success. In order to succeed, we need to retain and develop our existing employees while attracting new ones. We must therefore be an attractive and modern employer, where equality and diversity are as central as important. Today, about 20% of our employees are women and we are constantly working to recruit more, says Peter Strömberg, HR Manager to North Sweden Cleantech.
Rototilt believes in equality and diversity and making use of peoples’ potential. They get many female applicants when recruiting. Nowadays 40-50% of those interested in production-related jobs at Rototilt, are women, this is considered high for a technology company in Sweden. Without functioning gender equality work, the company wouldn’t have been such an attractive workplace for women.
- Of course, there are many important parallel activities. But above all, the women within the company, become incredibly important ambassadors for other women. Today we see many good examples within the company, where women have moved on to new positions with greater responsibility, this is important for the company's continued development and success, says Peter Strömberg.
Since Rototilt for obvious reasons, wants the best, regardless of gender, to work with them, recruiting the right competence was an important reason for the start of their gender equality work. Another reason was that workplaces with a broad range of experiences, gender, approaches etc., become more efficient at solving problems and perform better.
Before 2006, when the equality work started, not many women worked at the company's assembly department. It was commonly accepted that you needed to be a strong man to work with assembly, this turned out to be false. Instead, the presence of women led to better use of the technical appliances that already existed. When the men followed the women example and started using the technical appliances available, it resulted in a reduction in sick days. In addition, the well-being at the company has increased, the conversational topics at coffee and lunch have changed and above all, the results for the company have improved.
Rototilt has more than 200 employees with subsidiaries in Norway, Finland, England, Germany, France and North America. Their development department in Vindeln works together with leading Swedish universities to optimize materials and designs for maximized productivity and service life.
With Rototilts solutions, the customer gets all the parts in the chain; from control system and tiltrotator to tools and accessories making it work both smarter and safer. In addition, the customer can rejoice in the fact that Rototilt values all its employees and work for a more equal society.
Text: Maria Klintenäs
Photo: Rototilt