Smart City Sweden is expanding!
The Swedish Government has given The Swedish Energy Agency increased resources to develop Smart City Sweden, the national demonstration platform for smart and sustainable city solutions.
The Swedish Energy Agency, in turn, has given IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute the mission to develop and coordinate the platform, in close collaboration with regions and organizations across the country.
Regional offices
One important part of this expansion is that no less than six regional Smart City Sweden offices will be established in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Linköping, Borlänge and Umeå. This will increase the opportunity for international delegations to experience solutions located in all parts of Sweden. The regional offices will be run by members of ASSET (Association of Swedish Environmental Technology Industries) in collaboration with different organizations depending on the region. More info will be published on our contact page shortly.
Wider thematic scope
Another feature of this exciting scale-up is a wider thematic scope of the solutions that are being promoted within the Smart City Sweden platform. Social sustainability, Urban planning and Digitalization will now add to our previous focus on solutions within Energy, Climate & Environment and Mobility.
Finding best cases
Also, a new group consisting of seven government agencies will collaborate and identify their best innovations within the five different thematic areas mentioned above. Additionally, the six regional offices will add to this new selection of best cases, highlighting their respective strengths.
We look forward to new partnerships in the coming years.
Welcome to Sweden!
Text: Marcus Lind
Photo: Helena Wahlman/Imagebank.sweden.se
The article was originally published by Smart City Sweden here->