Smarter Recycling with Caicla

Today it goes without saying to recycle. Companies highlight their green profile; employees demand more sustainable routines and there are also legal requirements to have knowledge of and to manage the waste. Lack of time can be an obstacle for this and Caicla therefore provides a recycling solution, where the companies both receive data on how much they put in the bin, as well as having the bins emptied before they are completely full. A smarter recycling solution, quite simply.

- We see that there is a great desire to recycle in many companies and that more and more businesses have a clear environmental focus. However, after market research, we have seen that the companies' recycling rate is lower than desired, says Pontus Persson, CEO of Caicla.

Companies have the desire to recycle, but the time and conditions are lacking to take care of the waste in the right way, which is why Caicla offers smart recycling bins. These smart recycling bins, so-called Caicla bins, which have sensors and computers that automatically weigh the material into each bin. The weight is shown in real time on a screen and the companies also receive an environmental report every week/month/quarter where the total recycling is reported. Using the data sent from the Caicla bins, Caicla will be able to make smart route planning with the help of AI to make pickups at the companies before it starts to get full.

Caicla's smart recycling bins have sensors that weigh the material and the weight is displayed in real time on screens located above.

Develops and Rethinks

It has become increasingly important for companies to have a green profile, both to have an attractive brand towards the customer and to attract competence, therefore Caicla has invested in the development of its product, changed its business model and is now targeting companies that can sign subscription agreements. The companies then receive a Caicla container which also means that they will receive environmental reports that can be added as a supplement to their sustainability reporting.

- With the help of the data that the vessels collect, Caicla will be able to make environmental reports, with these environmental reports the customers will be able to use in their sustainability work, win procurements, marketing etc. It is becoming increasingly important for companies to have a green profile, both to have an attractive brand towards customers and to attract competence and customers, says Pontus.

Build the Right Team

The service is quickly scalable throughout Sweden and therefore it is important to have a good team. Caicla today consists of three people with an office in Sundsvall. Pontus Persson, founder and CEO believes that they should grow slowly but surely and is now looking for the right people for their team but also investors, preferably someone who wants to be involved in the development of Caicla and the Caicla vessels.

- We at Caicla are always looking for driven people who want to be involved and make a difference, says Pontus.

Today, the first test vessel is out with a customer in Sundsvall, and the goal is for the first salable vessels to be on the market shortly. As the containers both create opportunities for the companies to document their waste management and make the emptying of the containers more climate-efficient, the future looks bright for Caicla.

Click here to read more about Caicla!

In photo: Pontus Persson, CEO of Caicla
