SpinChem's Technology Pushes Boundaries – Near Major Breakthroughs
For over a decade, the Umeå-based company SpinChem has been tackling some of the world's most complex environmental challenges. With a vision of contributing to a greener planet, the company has steadily developed and refined technologies that deliver results. Now, they are close to major breakthroughs in the nuclear power and pharmaceutical industries.
"Things take time, but we are better off now than ever before, and the work we have put in is starting to pay off," says CEO Emil Byström.
We have previously reported on SpinChem's initial breakthroughs and high ambitions, but in recent years, the company has significantly accelerated its market expansion – always with the planet's best interests in mind.
"It is really fun, and environmental issues are important to us. Northern Sweden is a really good place; it does not look this good everywhere, so it drives us to create new technology so that others have the same conditions to swim in clean water and breathe clean air," says Emil.
Awarded at Umeågalan
SpinChem is based in an industrial facility in Västerslätt and also has an office at Uminova Science Park, where they maintain some collaboration with Umeå Biotech Incubator.
"It is rewarding just to be part of the community in the building. Socializing with like-minded entrepreneurs in the break room feels enriching and creates a sense that we have more colleagues, even if we do not work directly together," says Emil.
He received the award for "University Spin-off of the Year" at Umeågalan this spring, which was a nice recognition.
Under Emil's leadership, SpinChem has continued to develop its core technology – the rotating bed reactor. It uses specially designed chemical beads to efficiently purify industrial liquids by removing contaminants. This process is efficient and scalable, making it a perfect solution for various industrial applications and environmental problems.
A High-Tech Mixer
In recent years, the company has focused on adapting its technology to new applications, such as biocatalysis. This involves the transformation of molecules in a way that Emil compares to how a mixer blends ingredients.
"What we do with our technology may sound like science fiction, but the potential is enormous. For example, we are looking at lithium extraction for new car batteries or using carbon dioxide while restoring acidified oceans," he says.
Emil recently returned from a business trip to the USA and India, where he encountered a growing demand for sustainable solutions.
"India is no longer just interested in ready-made plug-and-play solutions. There is a genuine willingness to integrate new, sustainable technology into industrial processes. We are speaking the same language more today than six years ago when I last visited India," explains Emil.
The business trip to India was an opportunity to present SpinChem's technology, which can play a crucial role in the country's environmental improvement efforts. Demand for the company's solutions has increased dramatically, reflected in the company’s sales figures. With a presence in 35 countries and over 220 active customers, most of whom are repeat clients, SpinChem's turnover is stronger than ever.
Emil is also optimistic about future applications of the rotating bed reactor, "the mixer."
"Programming the code on bacteria to make them secrete a specific protein, which we can then put into our 'mixer,' will change the game with the help of AI. The ability to use computing power in ways that create conditions for our technology is revolutionary."
Emil Byström recently went on a business trip to India and spoke at an event. He perceives a noticeable shift in India's attitude towards new, sustainable technology in industrial processes.
Tenfold Increase in Turnover
SpinChem plans to reach a turnover of 10 million SEK in 2024 and aims for 100 million SEK within three years.
"It is absolutely not unreasonable considering our position with certain partners we are in discussions with," says Emil.
The goals are based on calculations and a clear plan for expansion and product development. The company has secured funding for several development projects over the next three years, including major EU projects and collaborations with universities.
Moreover, the company is actively involved in large industrial projects, where Emil expects breakthroughs in the near future, particularly in the nuclear power and pharmaceutical industries. SpinChem already has proven methods for handling radioactive waste, moving from small to large scale.
"Our technology allows us to capture and concentrate radioactive waste on-site, minimizing risks to the environment and health," says Emil.
Purifying Atomic Bomb Waste
An American customer faced a significant environmental problem: they had 95,000 litres of nuclear waste in liquid form containing caesium and cobalt, stored in a basement for 25 years. This type of waste, and similar waste originally created during the atomic bomb development between the 1940s and 1960s, exists in several places worldwide and has previously been considered impossible to treat effectively.
"With our technology, we purified the liquid in just nine days and reduced the total waste to only 56 liters of solid material, which could easily be packaged in a barrel. This way, it is much easier to handle the waste, and the purified water can simply be released," says Emil.
With a growing workforce – the company is expanding from three to six employees – and new talents in both construction and technical sales, SpinChem is ready to take the next step.
"It is extremely rewarding to see how our work is now paying off."