Welcome to the launch of the first Business Guide for the Kvarken region
Future Cleantech Solutions is an Interreg Botnia Atlantica project that works with change, innovation and networks within the business community in the Kvarken region. For three years, we have worked in the project together to bring together local small and medium-sized companies with current large investments and establishments in the Kvarken region. This has resulted in a guide to successful cross-border collaboration.
The guide, which will be a support for both entrepreneurs and business organizations, is filled with tips, methods and lessons that have been tested and evaluated at around 40 companies. The guide will be launched in connection with the project Future Cleantech Solutions' final conference on 30 November 2021 in Umeå.
- Launch of the first business guide for the Kvarken region
- The importance of cross-border cooperation
- Create collaboration with large players and support small and medium-sized companies
- Successful events and matchmaking behind good relationships
- Work with a more sustainable and equal business community
Date: 30 november 2021
Time:13:00-16:00 svensk tid
Venue: Sverige, Umeå, Elite Mimer Hotel, Kungsgatan 75, Mimersalen
Registration: https://events.magnetevents.com/Event/slutkonferens-future-cleantech-solution-44680/
Welcome to be part of the conference!
Link to program for final conference and launch of business guide (only in Swedish)
For more information contact:
Triinu Varblane, Future Cleantech Solutions, +358 443 32 3134
Peter Hedman, Future Cleantech Solutions, +46 70 696 83 08
Nora Birkman Neunstedt, Future Cleantech Solutions +358 44 7809 091
About the project Future Cleantech Solutions
Future Cleantech Solutions is a project that promotes cleantech companies' opportunities for concrete business and collaboration opportunities. The project is funded 60% by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg program Botnia-Atlantica. Other financiers are Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, Region Västerbotten, Region Västernorrland, Municipality of Umeå, Umeå Energi, Municipality of Skellefteå, Skellefteå Kraft, Municipality of Örnsköldsvik,, VASEK, Merinova, City of Vaasa, City of Kokkola and KOSEK. Kompetensspridning i Umeå AB is the project owner.