What is the gender equality situation among the Kvarken region's Cleantech companies?
During the autumn of 2021, a current situation analysis was made of the gender equality of a number of cleantech companies in the Kvarken region in order to highlight needs and opportunities for continued development in cleantech. The assignment also included collecting examples from companies that have succeeded in their gender equality activities.
The report was commissioned by the Future Cleantech Solutions project and is based on a gender equality survey of cleantech companies in the Kvarken area. The organizations that carried out the assignment were Vkna AB through Johanna Engström on the Swedish side, and Ekvalita through Malin Gustavsson on the Finnish side.
The report's client is the project Future Cleantech Solutions (FCS) and the project has strived to include the gender aspect in all its activities throughout the project period (2019–2021). This is not least because equal workplaces are important for the development and attractiveness of business and industry.
Future Cleantech Solutions has been funded by Interreg Botnia-Atlantica, the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, Region Västerbotten, Region Västernorrland, Umeå Municipality, Skellefteå Municipality, Örnsköldsvik Municipality,
City of Vaasa, City of Kokkola, Technology Centre Merinova, Vaasa Region Development Company (VASEK), Kokkolanseudun Kehitys Oy (KOSEK), Umeå Energi and Skellefteå Kraft.
Read more in the report
The Gender Equality situation within Kvarken's Cleantech companies 2021 (pdf)
The Gender Equality situation within Kvarken's Cleantech companies 2021 (browsable pdf)