Trade Fair Participation

Discover the opportunity to create international connections and meet key industry players without the stress of organizing your presence at large international exhibitions. We offer tailored delegation trips to a selection of fairs in the fields of green technology, clean energy, and sustainable solutions. We enable companies to focus on creating business while we take care of the planning. The companies cover the participation fee, travel, and accommodation.

Set course for international expansion without having to spend time on planning!

How Can We Assist?

During the exhibtion visits, we offer planning and execution of various activities such as organizing study visits, matching with existing companies in the specific market, and sharing in-depth market knowledge for the host country. We prepare pre-booked meetings, plan program schedules, and allocate space in part of the booth.

By taking care of these practical details, we enable companies to focus on their business activities during the trade fair visits.

Exhibitions We Have Attended in the Past

Companies Which Have Participated

Bioendev, Cue Dee, Seaflex, Inpipe, Flow Below, Boreal Orchards, Aquaductus, Service Node, Vertisà, Skellefteå Kraft, Umeå Energi, Järven Ecotech, Envibat, Prismalence, Örnalp Unozon, Jaure, RISE Processum. 


What happened and what deals were made? Read reports about the companies and the exhibitions.

North Sweden Cleantech - New Opportunities for Companies from Northern Sweden at Smart City World Expo Congress in Barcelona

North Sweden Cleantech - Great Interest in Swedish Cleantech in Lyon 

North Sweden Cleantech - Energy Companies Gather in Vaasa

North Sweden Cleantech - North Sweden Cleantech Present at All-Energy
