Support and Resources for Growth

External support and resources can be a crucial factor for a company to take the next step in its growth journey. Below is a list of entities that offer support opportunitiess.

Export Support, Advisory Services, and Financing


Almi offers financing and business development to companies with growth potential. This applies to both startups and existing companies. Through its subsidiary Almi Invest, Almi invests venture capital in early-stage companies with high growth potential and a scalable business idea.

Click here to read more about Almi!


BioInnovation is a strategic innovation program funded by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, and Formas within the framework of the joint initiative Strategic Innovation Areas, as well as stakeholders from industry, academia, institutes, and the public sector. The goal is to create the best possible conditions to increase the pace of innovation. They achieve this by connecting ideas, actors, and capital to produce competitive and bio-based materials, products, and services.

Click here to read more about BioInnovation!

Business Sweden

Business Sweden helps Swedish companies increase their global sales and international companies to invest and expand in Sweden.

Click here to read more about Business Sweden!

EIC Accelerator

EIC Accelerator is a funding program under Horizon Europe that offers support to startups and small and medium-sized enterprises with an innovative product, service, or business model that can create new markets or transform existing ones.

Click here to read more about EIC Accelerator!

Swedish Energy Agency

The Swedish Energy Agency funds a range of activities in the energy sector.

Click here to read more about the Swedish Energy Agency’s support and grants!

Click here to read more about the Swedish Energy Agency’s calls for proposals!

Swedish Energy Agency – Business Development Support

The Swedish Energy Agency provides support to companies for the development of business ideas, testing, and internationalization.

Click here to read more about the Swedish Energy Agency’s business development support!

Swedish Energy Agency - Industriklivet

Within Industriklivet, grants can be given for feasibility studies, research, pilot and demonstration projects, and investments in the process industry’s greenhouse gas emissions, negative emissions, and strategically important initiatives within the industry.

Click here to read more about the Swedish Energy Agency’s Industriklivet!

Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) helps companies grow globally. It is a European business network with over 3,000 advisors in 60 countries that exists to support small and medium-sized enterprises in reaching new markets and improving their innovation and transition capabilities.

Click here to read more about Enterprise Europe Network!


Exportkreditnämnden (EKN) aims to promote Swedish exports and the internationalization of Swedish companies. They do this by insuring export companies and banks against the risk of non-payment, enabling them to carry out more secure export transactions.

Click here to read more about Exportkreditnämnden!


Formas is a government research council for sustainable development that finances research and innovation, develops strategies, conducts analyses, and performs evaluations.

Click here to read more about Formas calls for proposals!

Chamber of Commerce Mid Sweden

Chamber of Commerce Mid Sweden is a private business organization that is owned, governed, and financed by its members. It operates in the regions of Västernorrland and Jämtland/Härjedalen, aiming to create a strong business environment. They focus on areas such as infrastructure, international trade, and skills sypply to support regional growth.

Click here to read more about the Chamber of Commerce Mid Sweden!


Industrifonden invests in small and medium-sized Swedish companies with the potential to grow in an international market. Industrifonden is a venture capital fund that focuses on transformative ventures in areas like deep tech, life sciences, and innovative business models. They aim to support scalable innovations that can have a significant impact on society.

Click here to read more about Industrifonden!

Interreg Aurora

Interreg Aurora is an EU program for cross-border cooperation. The program enables new cross-border collaborations in the northern part of Europe and Sápmi. Interreg Aurora focuses on fostering cooperation and development across borders, promoting sustainability, digitalization, and social inclusion in these region

Click here to read more about Interreg Aurora!


Klimatklivet is a support for physical investments that reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in Sweden. The support can be applied for by companies, municipalities, regions, and organizations that want to contribute to the climate transition. Klimatklivet is an initiative that provides funding for projects aimed at achieving significant climate benefits, such as investments in fossil-free technologies and green transitions

Click here to read more about Klimatklivet!


Nefco is the Nordic green bank that supports international environmental and climate goals by financing Nordic green solutions and enabling global scaling. Nefco offers financing for activities that provide direct or indirect environmental benefits. Nefco focuses on accelerating the green transition by providing risk capital to small and medium-sized projects with a positive impact on the environment and climate

Click here to read more about Nefco!

Norrbotten's Chamber of Commerce

Norrbotten's Chamber of Commerce is a politically independent, member-owned business organization. Their mission is to represent the interests of their members, regardless of industry and size, to promote increased growth for the business community in the region. Norrbotten's Chamber of Commerce focuses on areas such as infrastructure, international trade, and skills development to support regional growth

Click here to read more about Norrbotten's Chamber of Commerce!


Norrlandsfonden is northern Sweden’s leading mezzanine financier, creating success by promoting the development of the region’s growth companies. Each year, they lend more than 300 million SEK for new establishments, development, and expansion in the business sector of Norrland.

Click here to read more about Norrlandsfonden!


Nyföretagarcentrum offers free advice to newly started businesses or individuals considering starting a business.

Click here to read more about Nyföretagarcentrum!


Do you have an idea with the potential to contribute to more sustainable resource use and a more circular economy? Then you can apply for project funding at RE:Source.

Click here to read more about RE:Source!

Region Norrbotten - Business Support

If you want to start a business or develop your existing business, you have the opportunity to apply for financial support if you have difficulty securing financing in the private market.

Click here to read more about Region Norrbotten's Business Support!

Region Västerbotten – Business Support

Region Västerbotten’s business support aims to promote investments in companies, especially those with fewer than 250 employees, known as micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The support is intended to encourage investments that lead to, or create conditions for, sustainable growth (ecological, economic, social).

Click here to read more about Region Västerbotten's Business Support!

Region Västernorrland - Business Support

Through various types of business support, Region Västernorrland aims to contribute to sustainable regional development and growth. Here, business owners can apply for support for investments to develop their operations.

Click here to read more about Region Västernorrland's Business Support!

Swedish Cleanetch

Swedish Cleantech gathers support and advice within environmental technology, and their Financing Guide helps cleantech companies on the path to increased growth and establishment in other markets. The guide includes both business advisory organizations and financiers. Find out what opportunities are available for financing through grants, loans, or investments.

Click here to read more about Swedish Cleantech!

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth - Business Development Checks

Business development checks are for small businesses that want to bring in external expertise to develop the company and strengthen its competitiveness.

Click here to read more about the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth’s business development checks!

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth – Business Support

If you want to start a business or develop your existing business, you have the opportunity to apply for financial support if you have difficulty securing financing in the private market.

Click here to read more about the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth’s business support!

The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth - Regional Investment Support

Regional investment support can co-finance investments in parts of the country. The support can be given for investments in tangible and intangible assets.

Click here to read more about the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth’s regional investment support!

On, authorities such as the Swedish Public Employment Service, the Swedish Companies Registration Office, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, the Swedish Tax Agency, and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth gather information and e-services that you, as someone who is starting or running a business, can benefit from. They also collect various types of support that companies can take advantage of under ‘Find advice and financing.’

Click here to read more about and their ‘Find advice and financing’!


Vinnova is the Swedish government’s innovation agency, whose mission is to strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness by promoting innovation capability and international connectivity for sustainable growth. They offer funding for innovation projects.

Click here to read more about Vinnova’s calls for proposals!

Västerbotten's Chamber of Commerce

The Västerbotten's Chamber of Commerce is owned, governed, and financed by nearly 300 member companies. These companies account for approximately 80 percent of the employment within the county’s product-producing private companies. The members are companies of all sizes, from all industries throughout the county.

The Västerbotten Chamber of Commerce works to create favorable conditions for companies to operate in the county. This is done through business policy work, by organizing meeting places for companies, and through services to the members.

Click here to read more about Västerbotten's Chamber of Commerce!


Almi Invest

Almi Invest is part of Almi, a Swedish government organization that supports entrepreneurship and regional development. Almi Invest specifically focuses on investing in and supporting growth companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups. Its main goal is to help these companies gain access to capital and resources to develop and expand.

Click here to read more about Almi Invest!

E14 Invest

E14 Invest is a co-investment company based in Åre that focuses on investments in scalable growth companies in Norrland, particularly along the European route E14, from Sundsvall in the east to Trondheim in the west. The goal is to promote entrepreneurship in the region while making long-term sustainable investments with good returns for their investors.

Click here to read more about E14 Invest!

Monen Invest

Monen Invest is an investment partner focused on supporting and developing innovative companies in Norrland. With a strong local presence and a passion for growth, they are dedicated to shaping success stories together with their companies and partners.

Click here to read more about Monen Invest!

Partnerinvest Norr

Partnerinvest Norr is a venture capital company active in Norrbotten and Västerbotten, investing in companies with exciting, scalable business models and driven entrepreneurs. They started their operations in the spring of 2010 on the initiative of Norrlandsfonden and Almi Invest.

Click here to read more about Partnerinvest Norr!


Arctic Business

Arctic Business runs Sweden’s northernmost tech incubator and offers business advice, financing, and team building to innovative startups in areas such as space, mining, and energy.

Click here to read more about Arctic Business!

BIC Factory

At BIC Factory, entrepreneurs aged 18–40 who are ready to invest in their business idea and run a company in either Umeå, one of Västerbotten’s inland municipalities, or Arvidsjaur and Arjeplog, receive help to develop their business over a two-year period.

Click here to read more about BIC Factory!


BizMaker supports startups in Västernorrland to quickly achieve market success, helps established organizations to innovate, and motivates people with new ideas to take the next step.

Click here to read more about BizMaker!

eXpression Umeå

eXpression is a business incubator that supports driven entrepreneurs and creators in the cultural and creative industries. They offer business development, a creative coworking environment with a prototype lab, and the opportunity to be part of a growing community.

Click here to read more about eXpression Umeå!

Umeå Biotech Incubator

Umeå Biotech Incubator is a biotech incubator that offers facilities, knowledge, and funding.

Click here to read more about Umeå Biotech Incubator!

Uminova Innovation

Uminova Innovation is one of Sweden’s leading incubators and has been selected for Vinnova’s Excellence Program. With cutting-edge business support, they help people invest in and develop their business ideas.

Click here to read more about Uminova Innovation!


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