Municipality/ Piteå

RISE - Sustainable Composites

Do you have a project idea that you don’t know how to realize? Or are you already an established industry supplier but want to enter a new segment? Maybe you have encountered new sustainability requirements from your customers? In the test bed for sustainable composite manufacturing, we support you throughout the entire development process - from idea to production.


  • Access to expertise and equipment for material, manufacturing, testing, and verification
  • Targeted interventions or long-term collaboration supporting the entire development chain
  • Opportunity to collaborate with other actors in the composite value chain
  • Protection for your ideas and intellectual property rights (IPR)

Support Throughout the Entire Development Process

Our expertise covers the entire development chain for sustainable composites - from materials, manufacturing techniques and processes to testing and verification. We ensure that you have the delivery capacity that the customer requires, when it really matters.

Ideation and Consulting

We help you understand if your ideas are viable. What problem or need do you want to solve or meet with the composite? What properties and functions should the product have? What challenges and risks can you encounter in the development process? 

Material Selection and Design

In these closely welded steps in the development chain, we help you with making material and design choices adapted to conditions and requirements specifications. You can also get help with finding new applications for existing material and processes. 

Process Development

We help you to predict the component’s mechanical properties before it goes into production. You are offered the opportunity for virtual manufacturing which minimizes the need for full-scale testing with a lower cost / lower risk as a result. 

Test and Verification 

We verify and test material properties, tools and tool functions. When we trim a process already at an early stage, costly changes that may otherwise occur further down the line, are minimized.


We help both startups, small and medium-sized suppliers and end manufacturers in applications ranging from airplanes, vehicles and boats to wind turbines and sports equipment.


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Visitors shall bear all costs related to the visit including flights, accommodation, all meals, translations etc.

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